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SL_Top Physicians_0224FINAL_Reg2 . qxp_Layout 1 3 / 4 / 24 3 : 01 PM Page 2 Top Physicians ? ? ? ? Dr . Ronald H . Fields AESTHETIC / COSMETIC ANESTHESIOLOGY CARDIOTHORACIC Dr . George P . Heyrich MEDICINE Dr . Glenn L . Ereso SURGERY Dr . Steven P . Kutalek Dr . Steven L . Davis Dr . Larry I . Kim Dr . Michael A . Acker Dr . Mrugesh B . Patel DavisCosmetic Plastic ChesterCounty Hospital Dr . Pavan Atluri St.Mary Medical Center Surgery | PennMedicine Dr . Deon W . Vigilance Langhorne Philadelphia and Cherry Hill West Chester PennMedicine and Northfield , New Jersey Multiple locations Dr . Aman Amanullah BARIATRIC SURGERY Dr . Robert Belasco Dr . Glenn A . DeBias Dr . Alfred C . Trang Dr . John August Heim Dr . Arthur Belber TheInstitute for Laser St.Mary Medical Center PennMedicine Dr . Raphael Bonita andAesthetic Medicine Langhorne PrincetonHealth Dr . Antonio J . Chamoun Doylestown Multiple locations Dr . Lori B . Frank Dr . Nicholas Langan BREAST SURGERY Dr . Mohammed Murtaza Dr . Victoria L . Falcone Dr . Rachel P . Dultz Dr . Todd E . Nixon DR . SHAHZAD AHMED Dr . William G . Petrucci The Falcone Center PennMedicine St.Mary Medical Center Dr . Howard H . Weitz Bala Cynwyd and Maple PrincetonHealth Langhorne Dr . Christian F . Witzke Shade , New Jersey Multiple locations Jefferson Health Multiple locations Dr . Louis E . Samuels Dr . Andrew Kwak Dr . Lisa K . Jablon Dr . Raymond L . Singer The Lumen Center JeffersonEinstein Dr . Alexandra Tuluca Dr . David G . Boland Bryn Mawr MontgomeryHospital JeffersonEinstein Dr . Francis A . Grzywacz East Norriton MontgomeryHospital Dr . Steven A . Guidera East Norriton Dr . John D . Harding Dr . John J.W . Lee Dr . Richard Mascolo JohnJ.W . Lee , M.D . , Dr . Stacy L . Krisher Dr . Michael Mooradd FACS Dr . Anna Mazor Dr . Steven J . Weiss Dr . Sean C . Reinhardt Bryn Mawr ComprehensiveBreast ChesterCounty Hospital Dr . Renee A . Sangrigoli CareSurgeonsof Holy | Penn Medicine Dr . Robert M . Sangrigoli Redeemer West Chester Dr . David A . Smith Dr . Robert J . Skalicky Southampton DR . DAVID HO Dr . J . Doyle Walton ModernAesthetic DoylestownHealth COLON & RECTAL Plastic Surgery Doylestown Dr . Catherine M . Porter SURGERY Newtown and King of ChesterCounty Hospital Dr . Joshua I.S . Bleier Prussia | Penn Medicine Dr . Najjia N . Mahmoud modernaestheticplastic Dr . Timothy J . Boyek West Chester PennMedicine Dr . Alexa Nana Hogarty Multiple locations Dr . Richard C . Hui ALLERGY & IMMUNOLOGY Dr . Mian A . Jan Dr . Mahmoud K . Effat Dr . Russell M . Reisner Dr . Joseph G . Lewis Dr . Andrew W . Murphy St.Mary Medical Center Dr . Christopher J . Bruce Dr . Gregg L . Neithardt ChesterCounty Hospital Langhorne DoylestownHealth Dr . Kurt J . Schillinger | Penn Medicine Doylestown ChesterCountyHospital West Chester | PennMedicine CARDIOLOGY son West Chester Dr . Ashish M . Agarwal Dr . Laura T . Greco bin Dr . Marc F . Goldstein Dr . Scott W . Burke Dr . Richard H . Greenberg Ro y Dr . Nancy D . Gordon Dr . Rolando L . deGoma JeffersonHealth od Dr . Joseph T . Conroy PennMedicine Dr . Harit Desai Multiple locations J DR . VINCENT LEONTI d Dr . Peter Correnti Jr . n Multiple locations Dr . Lee Glickman a y , Dr . Richard H . Hunn Dr . Lisa Monahan Dr . Saman Nazarian Dr . Brian M . Drachman ph Dr . Martin J . O’Riordan a Dr . Pirouz Parang Dr . Samir N . Parikh Dr . Daniel J . Rader Dr . Andrew E . Epstein gr MercyCatholicMedical o Dr . Priya Mehta Dr . Neil Saxena Colonand Rectal Dr . Michael P . Riley Dr . Victor A . Ferrari hot Center Dr . Manav Segal Dr . Eric Struble SurgeryLtd . Dr . Frank E . Silvestry Dr . Michael G . Fradley P a Darby ChestnutHillAllergy & Dr . Prachi Thanawala Media Dr . Kelly Anne Spratt Dr . David S . Frankel Le a AsthmaAssociatesLLC Dr . Kristopher F . Young Dr . Gregory E . Supple Dr . Fermin C . Garcia Nin Philadelphia and Wyndmoor CapitalHealth Penn Medicine Dr . Helene L . Glassberg p , Dr . Mohamad Taha philadelphia - Multiple locations Dr . Ashlee N . Godshalk a Multiple locations Dr . Lee R . Goldberg unl SuburbanCommunity Ruggles Dr . Jonathan Gomberg D n Hospital Dr . Anthony R . Rooklin CapitalHealth Dr . Howard L . Haber liso RoxboroughMemorial AsthmaandAllergy Dr . Ajay K . Agarwala Multiple locations Dr . Shahzad Ahmed Dr . Michael Kostal A n , Hospital Associates Dr . James R . Beattie LowerBucksHospital Dr . Andrew R . Kohut rso East Norriton and West Chester Dr . David J . Callans Bristol Dr . David Lin nde Philadelphia asthmaandallergyassociates CRITICAL CARE MEDICINE Dr . Thomas P . Cappola Dr . Andrew J . Litwack A ff . net Dr . Pinak S . Acharya Dr . Ronald Carabelli Dr . Francis E . Marchlinski Je DoylestownHealth Dr . Joseph R . Carver y Dr . Roi Altit Dr . Kenneth B . Margulies b s Doylestown Dr . Gerald DeVaughn Dr . Toni Anne De Venecia Dr . Paul J . Mather oto Dr . Sanjay Dixit Miles Dr . David W . Drucker Dr . J . Shawn Ph SUBURBANLIFEMAGAZINE.COM VOLUME 15 ISSUE 6 36 |
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SL_Top Physicians_0224FINAL_Reg2 . qxp_Layout 1 3 / 4 / 24 3 : 01 PM Page 3 Dr . Howard J . Lee YardleyDermatology Dr.Erica Perilstein Dr.Mark H . Schutta Dr.Stephen Belfiglio Dr . Vicki L . Bralow St . Mary Medical Center Associates Dr.NazaninSaedi Dr.Peter J . Snyder Dr.Harmony Bonnes Dr.Jeffrey D . Rednor Langhorne Yardley Dr.Jonathan T . Wolfe PennMedicine Dr.Charles P . Catania Dr . Andrew H . Sokel DermatologyAssociates Multiplelocations Dr.BrianR . Boucher PennMedicine of Plymouth Meeting Dr.FrancisBrennan PrincetonHealth DERMATOLOGY Dr.Kara D . Capriotti PlymouthMeeting Dr.Victoria Brosius Multiplelocations Dr . Imran Amir plymouthmeetingdermatology Dr.Catherine Dr . Eric DiCicco Dr.Victoria A . Cirillo - Hyland City Dermatology Skin . com Anastasopoulou Dr.Maria C . DeMario Dr . Julia H . Cohen Institute Dr.Nissa Blocher Dr.Laurie A . Gallagher Dr.Noushin Heidary Dr.Paul M . Caracappa Bensalem and Warminster Dr.David A . Kasper Dr . Jane Mayrin Dr.Dennis Holgado Dr . W . Teresa Hsu Dr.Aldo A . Ciccotelli Dr.Aradhna Saxena JeffersonHealth Dr.John F . Hornick Dr . John K . Mulholland Dr.Christina McAdams Dermatology and Skin Multiplelocations Dr.Sony John Dr . Edward F . Ryan Dr.Charles C . Whitney III Dr . Edward E . Bondi CancerInstitute Dr.JohnKhalifa CirilloInstitute | Cirillo Dr.Lance B . Wilson Dr . Bruce A . Brod FortWashington and Dr . Nicholas Kalman CosmeticDermatology St.Mary Medical Center Dr . George Cotsarelis Lansdale Dr.MarieleBriones Dr.Susan M . Kohli Spa | Bryn Mawr Skin & Langhorne Dr . Glen H . Crawford Dr.ChristopherBruno Dr.Monika Kumanova Cancer Institute Dr . Cherie M . Ditre Newtown Dr.Neema Y . Chokshi Dr.Lauren Kummer Bryn Mawr and Dr . Alain H . Rook Square Dr.DorotaWilson Dr.Matthew S . Kane Dr.Susan Leath Dr.Christopher Drumm Dr . Adam I . Rubin ForefrontDermatology Dr.ArtiA . Patel Dr.David Lewis Jefferson Health Dr . Victoria P . Werth Langhorne Dr.SirishaReddy Dr . George Limpert Multiple locations Penn Medicine Dr.Coyle S . Connolly Thambuluru Dr.MerlynManattu Multiple locations ConnollyDermatology PentaHealth Dr . ValerieMcAuley EMERGENCY MEDICINE Multiplelocations Endocrinology Dr.MichaelMcGuire Dr.Catherine M . Fusco Dr.Christopher J . Ware WestChester Dr.Marianne Nikas Dr . Jessica R . Mayer Chester County Hospital Dr.Jayne Bird Dr.NeerajaPeri Dr.Ashley J . Miller | Penn Medicine Dr.Nianda Reid Dr.Robert Fox Dr.Drew Rowan Dr . Stephanie Shearer West Chester ENDOCRINE & ONCOLOGIC EmbraceDermatology Jefferson Health Dr.Jessica Schleusner SuburbanCommunity & Aesthetics Jenkintown SURGERY Dr.RannetteSchurtz Hospital Dr . Ari D . Brooks Philadelphiaand Spring Dr.KarenSquire EastNorriton ENDOCRINOLOGY Penn Medicine House Dr.Gene F . Uhler & DIABETES Multiplelocations Dr.ThomasGriffin Jr . Dr.Alpa Vadher Dr . Debbie Jih Dr.Mona Al Mukaddam Dr.Madeline S . Wood Dr . Anastassia Amaro Dr.Carmen Campanelli Dr.Michael S . Lehrer PentaHealth Dr . Fern G . Fried Dr.Eleni McGeehin Dr.Carrie M . Burns FAMILY MEDICINE Multiple locations Dr . Richard G . Fried Dr.Kathleen McGuinn Dr.Christina M . Mitchell Dr.Vitasta Bamezai SUBURBANLIFEMAGAZINE.COM VOLUME 15 ISSUE 6 | 37