SL_STARS KidsLifeProfile_0320FINAL_Layout 1 3 / 13 / 20 4 : 47 PM Page 2 In her Newtown studio , Bergen has cultivated an environment in Lily McHale has made tremendous improvements since which children can feel safe and ready to engage in “ constructive she started having one - on - one coaching sessions with play ” as a way to facilitate the learning of new skills . Bergen at STARS Kids Life Studio . skills . Much like every adult can benefit from re - She cites one incident in which a child came based organization known as STARS Kids Life flective psychotherapy , Bergen believes every into a classroom looking so upset she thought Studio suggested an intriguing path forward : Kids child can benefit from working with a Kids Life t Life Coaching . After having a few follow - up he child had recently lost a family member . She Coach . phone calls , learning the results of an in - depth went to the child and asked , “ What is the mat - “ They can tell me anything , and they know online assessment through the STARS Kids Life ter ? ” She then discovered the source of the I’m there to listen , ” she says . “ It’s a huge asset to Studio website , and an in - person meeting , child’s distress : a stubborn zipper that prevented have another person in a nonjudgmental space McHale and her family felt confident for Lily to the child from removing a jacket . where the child can delve into anything they proceed with one - on - one sessions with a certi - “ Childhood is becoming an increasingly dif - want to talk about and feel safe . ” fied Kids Life Studio Coach . ficult time , ” she says . “ Children are becoming This may explain why Kids Life Coaching “ Lily needed to learn how to manage her more fearful , and that’s creating more anxiety , is steadily gaining traction around the world . frustration and anxiety , ” McHale says . “ When which is carrying over into their academic lives , Although she has local roots , Bergen belongs she started seeing Bronwyn , they clicked imme - their social lives , and their family lives at home . to a global organization , The Kids Life Studio diately . Through their sessions together , Lily Even the simplest things can seem overwhelm - ( ) , which has a presence on learned to manage her emotions . Now she ing . That’s why many kids need some guidance six continents . In June 2019 , she traveled to doesn’t get angry anymore over anything . ” getting through it . ” London as part of an international contingent of McHale is referring to Bronwyn Bergen , the Kids Life Studio professionals who participated founder of STARS Kids Life Studio and a longtime ‘ Let Them Fly ’ in an event at the House of Lords , where they educator with Pennsbury School District . Bergen At STARS Kids Life Studio , every prospective fam - engaged in meaningful discussions about the founded STARS more ily must complete an online assessment so than a year ago , driven by tools needed to build mentally resilient children . Bergen can learn more about the child and de - the desire to help children contend with life’s As for Lily McHale , she has been meeting termine his or her specific needs . Bergen then many “ curveballs . ” These challenges may range with Bergen for nearly a year , though their meets with the family in person so she can delve one - from the emotional trauma of divorce , to trouble into any areas of the child’s life that may be “ out on - one sessions have been scaled back to just navigating friendships and family relationships , of balance . ” Then , if the family — and , more im - once a month . The sessions have helped Lily in to mental disorders such as anxiety and ADHD . portantly , the child — chooses to move forward , virtually every aspect of her young life , according Bergen felt drawn to Kids Life Coaching be - she can create a custom program designed to to Lily’s mother , Lorraine . cause it gives children the skills they need to help the child move past the obstacles standing “ Lily has really adapted , ” she says . “ She’s make good choices and , in turn , become hap - in their way . learned the value of writing lists , planning ahead , pier , more motivated , and inspired to excel . A “ typical ” Kids Life Studio coaching pro - and following a bedtime routine so she can Bergen sees her role as distinct from a child psy - gram lasts 12 sessions , spread over several make herself feel comfortable and know what chologist or therapist , though she does work months , though some children may benefit from she needs to do for the next day so she can go to with those professionals , when needed ; rather , programs of longer duration . Bergen lays the sleep without feeling anxious . It has made Lily she sees herself as someone who can help a foundation to help a child navigate problems that feel so much better . ” child move forward with a sense of control and may once have seemed overwhelming or un - Others have noticed remarkable changes in resilience . manageable . The ultimate goal : to help every Lily , too . “ Child psychology or therapy delves into the child stand on his or her own . “ We recently went to a parent - teacher confer - past and identifies what may have caused a cer - “ My goal is to arm them with these skills and ence , and her teacher has noticed a complete 180 tain trauma , ” Bergen says . “ As a Kids Life Coach , then let them fly , ” says Bergen , who is the only compared to where [ Lily ] used to be , ” McHale I help them look ahead . I want to teach children certified Kids Life adds . “ Her grades have gone up , her study habits Studio Coach on the East Coast . to be proactive and then reactive . I want to give have improved , and she has a “ Kids will be faced with a lot of external influ - group of friends them a toolbox of coping skills and strategies , so ences that are beyond their control , and I want as opposed to being a loner . … One hundred if a situation does arise , they’re going to be able ? them to feel they can do anything they put their percent , it has been worth the investment . ” to assess the situation and say , ‘ I know how to minds to and be 100 percent confident that they deal with this . ’ ” can stand up for themselves no matter what As an educator with more than 30 years of D STARS Kids Life Studio challenges they face . ” classroom experience , Bergen has taught chil - Bergen loves teaching , but she says she feels dren from kindergarten through fifth grade . In re - Newtown , Pa . “ at my best ” when she’s coaching a child one on cent years she has witnessed an alarming trend ( 267 ) 981 - 2431 | Stars @ one . At her peaceful Newtown studio , she has in the classroom : children lacking coping skills , cultivated an environment in which children can struggling with anxiety , or otherwise experienc - Hair Artist : Melissa Mount | @ mstylist130 feel safe and ready to engage in “ constructive ing problems that may be hampering them from Makeup Artist : Stephanie Powers play ” as a way to facilitate the learning of new achieving their full potential . @ stephaniepowersmakeup SUBURBANLIFEMAGAZINE.COM MARCH 2020 | 67