Her True Calling Since making the transition from law to real estate nearly two decades ago, Stephanie MacDonald has...
Following Her Passion After being introduced to the world of real estate at a young age, Maureen Reynolds has established...
The Total Package Lisa Linn, a lifelong Bucks County native and a real estate veteran with RE/MAX TOTAL, fulfills the...
Strength in Numbers COMPASS Realtor Deana Corrigan leads a team of seasoned and skilled real estate professionals devoted...
Invested in Bucks County Mary Ann and J.P. O’Keeffe of The O’Keeffe Team of Keller Williams Real Estate blend expertise and creativity...
Two of a Kind Through experience, knowledge, and high-touch client service, the mother-daughter Realtors of Trish...
Driven by Results The Ady and Megan McGowan Team delivers the knowledge, expertise, and hands-on client experience needed...
Back to the Basics Lynise Caruso, a Realtor with Keller Williams Main Line in Ardmore, refines her approach to help clients...
Communication Is Key By providing an award-winning client experience rooted in communication and trust, COMPASS RE Realtor...
Growing Ambition By widening her footprint beyond the Philadelphia area, Tabitha S. Heit of Fox & Roach Realtors multiplies...