Breast enhancement procedures remain in the top three cosmetic surgery procedures performed annually. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, nearly 300,000 procedures were performed in the United States in 2013. But while breast enhancement procedures continue to steadily increase, the desired look of the breast is changing somewhat among many women. Now, rather than desiring the “overdone,” “overfilled” look of the breast, many women are requesting more natural, softer-appearing breast contours. In many cases, breast enlargement procedures are more aptly termed breast replacement procedures where women are merely requesting replenishment of breast tissue lost through pregnancy, weight loss or the aging process.
In order to answer this desire, implant companies have redesigned their cohesive gel implants with more anatomical lines and contours. According to Robert J. Skalicky, D.O., board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon and president of Bucks County Plastic Surgery Center in Newtown, “The new shaped breast implants mirror a woman’s natural breast contour, resulting in a more natural, ‘tapered’ slope to the breast.”
In addition to giving a more natural slope to the breast, the new implants are filled with a highly cohesive gel that resists the rippling that is sometimes seen with other implant types. “Implant wrinkling in primary breast augmentation patients has been shown to be less than 1 percent over a seven-year study performed by the Allergan implant company,” says Dr. Skalicky.
In addition to the aesthetic advantages for patients, the new implants also have been shown to be extremely safe. The highly cohesive nature of the gel prevents any problems with gel migration should the implant ever get damaged. The gel actually “sticks” together and does not leave the shell of the implant. Other advantages of using the new shaped implants include a reduction in capsule contracture, a condition where implants can become firmer over the years. Dr. Skalicky explains that the studies performed by the implant companies have shown that there is a 61 percent lower capsule contracture rate using the new shaped breast implants when compared with the standard round gel implants.
Aside from the implant studies, however, the true question remains: How happy are women with the results of the new shaped breast implants? Surveys taken from women with the new style implants have shown a 96 percent satisfaction rate with the shape, feel and overall look of the breast. According to Dr. Skalicky, “The new shaped implants add one more tool for the plastic surgeon to have in his toolbox to treat women that truly want a softer look to their breast and fear the overly full look of the other implant types. While a shaped implant might not be for every woman seeking breast enlargement, it truly offers an alternative for the woman that wants the most natural look and feel of the breast or wants to simply replace volume that has been lost.”
So how do you know if these new implants are right for you? Well, like all cosmetic procedures, the first step is to obtain a consultation with a plastic surgeon skilled in the new implant type and learn about the advantages and differences between a shaped implant and the standard round gel implant. This process often includes discussions of breast and body contour, existing anatomy and reviews of pictures of patients that have had breast augmentation with contoured implants.
“Every cosmetic surgery decision by a patient should start with education,” says Dr. Skalicky. “I encourage my patients to have multiple consultations with me before proceeding with their breast surgery. This process not only allows me to fine tune their expectations and desires but also allows me to make sure they fully understand the procedure, the alternative treatments and the long-term expected outcomes.”
In addition to breast procedures, Dr. Skalicky offers the full range of cosmetic surgery including facelifts, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, laser liposuction, Botox, wrinkle fillers, fat transfer, etc. Although many procedures are based in hospitals and utilize anesthesia, there is a wave of patients now desiring office-based procedures without the high expense of hospital fees. “Many patients want smaller procedures earlier in life with less disruption to their daily routine,” says Dr. Skalicky. “Because of this, I have started performing many ‘mini’ versions of procedures such as facelifts, eyelid procedures, body-contouring procedures and breast lifts in the office under local anesthesia. Patients still get the youthful-looking results that they want but avoid the high costs and scheduling delays associated with hospitals.”
Dr. Skalicky has also created the Rinklefree Center for noninvasive procedures including Botox, Dysport, Juvéderm and Voluma, as well as fat injections, fat reduction, skin tightening, Fraxel laser resurfacing and skincare programs. Many of these procedures give instantaneous rejuvenation to the face and body and actually help delay the need for an invasive surgery. “The injectable procedure market to reduce wrinkles is exploding since patients can rejuvenate without recovery,” states Dr. Skalicky.
With all of these treatment options, how does a person ever know what is the right procedure to accomplish his or her goals? Dr. Skalicky explains this problem and its solution by saying, “The aesthetic world is continually exploding with new injectables, new procedures and new devices that make farfetched promises. It becomes overwhelming for a patient to be able to determine the right path to obtain the results they are seeking. I think the solution for the patient is to find a surgeon they can trust to guide them and also a practice that offers all treatment modalities so there is no bias for financial gain. It is my job to comprehensively offer the best treatments and procedures for patients and to match the best treatment type for each patient based on our mutual discussion of their aesthetic goals. I think too frequently patients are falsely sold on procedures that are not right for them because a practitioner has limited options to offer.”
While cosmetic procedure options may seem limitless these days, competent, honest and caring plastic surgeons may be in shorter supply. Find a surgeon you can trust to educate and guide you and your future may just “shape up” right before your eyes.
Dr. Skalicky, who is board certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery, is president and founder of Bucks County Plastic Surgery Center and the Rinklefree Center for Plastic Surgery. He practices in Bucks County and Philadelphia. For more information, call 215-702-8600 or visit buckscountyplasticsurgery.com.