Jean O. Fitzgerald, M.D., FACOG, has delivered hundreds of babies in her career, but she says there’s still something “magic” about the experience every time she’s a part of it. In fact, it’s her favorite thing about her career.
“There is just something so special about being there in the delivery room as a new baby is brought into this world,” says Dr. Fitzgerald, a physician with Doylestown Women’s Health Center in Doylestown. “For me, every time I deliver a baby that excitement is still there like it was the very first time.”
This ever-present sense of new beginnings is somewhat ironic, considering Doylestown Women’s Health Center is the oldest continuing OB/GYN practice in Bucks County. The practice has remained on the cutting edge in terms of providing the most advanced surgical techniques, the newest policies and practices, and the latest information in women’s health.
The most remarkable aspect of the all-female practice is its level of genuine concern and enthusiasm. The physicians and support staff actually enjoy coming to work every day, and it shows.
“At the end of the day, the answer as to why I’m still here is simple—I love it,” says Carolyn E. Ianieri, D.O., FACOOG, who has been with Doylestown Women’s Health Center since completing her residency. “I believe it’s a privilege for us to be a part of our patients’ lives. Part of our jobs as physicians is to provide medical care but it’s also to be a type of teacher and educator, helping people learn the importance of taking charge of their own health.”
This individualized care is somewhat unheard of in the busy medical community, where patients often feel insignificant—like problems to be solved rather than people. But that’s exactly the opposite of what the health care professionals at Doylestown Women’s Health Center aim to offer.
“We never want the patient to feel like a number,” says Dr. Ianieri. “I get to know all of my patients and offer personalized care. I want women to leave here feeling confident about their health.”
It’s a big commitment, but Dr. Fitzgerald says it comes with the territory of “being part of a community.”
“We don’t just work here—we live here, too,” says Dr. Fitzgerald, who has been named a Bucks County Woman of Achievement, served on the board of directors for the Bucks County Department of Health, and served on the board of directors for the Central Bucks Family YMCA for five years. She has also been named a top doctor by Suburban Life. “We have our families here and we’ve raised our children here. As a result, we truly value being a part of this community and giving back where we can.”
Staying Fresh
With the retirement of the practice’s founding physicians, Doylestown Women’s Health has brought a nurse practitioner on board. Kimberly Schea, CRNP, says the role of a nurse practitioner is similar to that of a doctor, with the exception of performing surgery or delivering babies.
“I do many of the same things that the doctors do,” Schea says. “My goal is to provide holistic care, empowering the patient to really take charge of their health and understand what’s going on. I spend a lot of time educating patients so that they’re better informed about their bodies, changes they could be experiencing now, or changes to come.”
Schea also specializes in vulvar health, an area which typically gets less attention. “We do see a lot of women who have vulva health concerns,” she says. “With the rise in popularity of skinny jeans, leggings and, in turn, thongs, we see more vulva issues, and I do spend time educating women on better care.”
In addition to bringing Schea on board, a new physician will be joining the practice in August.
“This is an exciting time here,” says Schea. “A new physician means a fresh perspective and a fresh approach. It’s already obvious to me that this is a practice that is dedicated to staying current and offering patients the very best medical care.”
Schea particularly appreciates the practice’s team approach to patient care.
“A lot of times you have a practice where each doctor is operating independently from the group,” Schea says. “That’s not the case here at all. We really work together to help every single patient have the best possible outcome.”
Brand new equipment, including an ultrasound machine, enhances the care Doylestown Women’s Health Center is able to provide.
“We now have an ultrasound machine and technician here on site so that patients can have their ultrasound done while in the office,” Dr. Fitzgerald says. “That’s another way we’re trying to make things even more convenient for our patients.”
The practice has also continued to keep up with the latest surgical advances, including procedures that incorporate the da Vinci Surgical System. Utilizing the assistance of robotic arms, da Vinci procedures are minimally invasive and highly precise, thereby enabling better outcomes and quicker recovery times for patients.
“The da Vinci system is similar to laparoscopy, but there are even greater advantages,” explains Dr. Ianieri, who is trained to use the system. “This includes a three-dimensional camera view with magnification that allows us to see better detail than we could with the naked eye. The system also uses wristed robotic instruments that can make the most precise maneuvers. All of this allows for a better outcome for the patient.”
‘The Very Best’
Convenience, dedication and comprehensive care—the physicians at Doylestown Women’s Health Center truly strive to help patients “have it all.”
“I am still amazed by the capabilities of medicine,” says Dr. Ianieri. “The idea that a patient could get better or feel better from something you’ve done is an incredible feeling.”
“We love what we do because we love our patients,” Dr. Fitzgerald adds. “We truly want the very best for them.”
Doylestown Women’s Health Center
708 Shady Retreat Road, Suite 7
Doylestown, PA 18901
Photograph by Allure West Studios