1: Invest in your property’s exterior by working with experienced companies like Main Line Gardens, which has the expertise and imagination to completely reshape homeowners’ outdoor spaces. The Malvern-based company also offers ongoing upkeep—regular pruning, fertilizing and bed maintenance—to keep a homeowner’s property healthy and attractive all year long. MainLineGardens.com
2: When remodeling a kitchen, look beyond the kitchen itself and into the adjoining areas of the first floor to improve what Harth Builders calls “First Floor Flow.” The Spring House-based design-build remodeling firm examines how these spaces can be reconfigured to work together harmoniously, to maximize enjoyment of the entire first floor and beyond. HarthBuilders.com
3: Add beauty, personality and value to your property by making a custom in-ground pool a centerpiece of the backyard. Swimming-pool designers such as Ted’s Pools in Newtown Square can truly turn a homeowner’s outdoor living space into an oasis that provides years of enjoyment. TedsPools.net
4: Whether you want to dine outdoors or have a quiet place to indulge in gaming or other electronic devices, enclosed porches appeal to all members of the family, regardless of their age. Highly durable hybrid porch systems from Elverson-based Vixen Hill give homeowners the feeling as if they are living in the lap of luxury with every season, as they are ideal for nearly year-round use. VixenHill.com
5: An organized home is a happy home—and one-ofa-kind storage spaces designed by Exton’s Closets By Design can help. Add a custom closet to make clothing, footwear and other items easier to find (and even extend their life), or invest in a custom storage system to transform the garage into a workshop or other useable space. Philadelphia.ClosetsByDesign.com
6: Custom garage doors can improve access and security to your home, as well as provide insulation from the elements. What’s more, artfully designed and installed carriage doors from the likes of Doylestown’s Des-Carr Doors Inc. can add curb appeal as the focal point of a home. DesCarrDoors.com
7: The kitchen is the beating heart of any home, so it should be a place where you love to spend time. At Poggenpohl’s studio in Philadelphia, create the custom kitchen you’ve always dreamed of, where you not only eat and cook but also create experiences that last a lifetime. Poggenpohl.com
8: Make sure your home’s HVAC system is running at peak efficiency. Souderton-based C&C Heating and Air Conditioning offers a service agreement plan for preferred customers, with two seasonal inspections to ensure that a homeowner’s system will keep customers comfortable, whether it’s the dead of winter or the dog days of summer. CC-HVAC.com
Published (and copyrighted) in Suburban Life Magazine, May 2018.