The imminent arrival of another East Coast summer will likely bring with it a wave of concerns for many homeowners, especially those with underused outdoor space and a busy social calendar. Some might even find themselves saying things such as, “With all the holiday weekend get-togethers and graduations, we should really put in a pool,” “The backyard desperately needs to be spruced up—especially the patio,” and, most important, “Who can I get to help with all this?”
Answering this question is enough to make one long for the return of brown grass and chilly temperatures, because few have the time or energy to track down all the contractors and subcontractors needed to build the pool, handle the landscaping, renovate the patio, install the lighting, put in a fire pit, build a cabana, etc. Then there’s the issue of having to deal with several parties who have different agendas, separate areas of expertise and little idea as to how to work together and make the homeowner’s life worry free.
Fortunately, Delaware Valley residents have KS Greenday Inc.
Originally formed as a landscaping company in the late 1990s, Langhorne-based KS Greenday Inc. now offers every service imaginable, in expert fashion, to transform backyards into peaceful sanctuaries for relaxing and entertaining. This includes in-ground pools—featuring a fashionable array of patios, pool decks, walls and fencing worthy of a four-star hotel—as well as cabanas that allow for luxurious places to unwind after toweling off. Proof can be found on the company’s website, KSGreenday.com, or in the growing ranks of thrilled customers.
Adds vice president Tom Schreiber, “When we go out to appointments, we treat the job as if it’s our own house.”
That thoughtful attitude starts even before the first shovel pierces the earth, when a KS Greenday Inc. employee visits a prospective client’s home for a free consultation. The staffer snaps photos while considering the practical and artistic aspects of the project, and the photos and other insights are then illustrated using three-dimensional CAD software that allows each client to see—again, at no charge—exactly what the finished renovation would look like. There are no surprises: KS Greenday Inc. provides exactly what a client sees on the screen.
“We’re not the kind of company that’s going to hard sell the pool and then leave the client three business cards to handle the hardscaping, landscaping, and cabana/grill stations,” Konyves says. Having one company deal with everything—from pool installation to landscaping and everything in between—also means that the client and contractor can easily consider and make changes. For example, a traditional pool installer may not consider landscaping or other construction issues, which can lead to unexpected costs and unnecessary headaches for the homeowner.
“We can get a job done in six weeks that would take four contractors 12 to 14 weeks to complete,” Konyves says. “There’s no aspect that won’t be brought to a client’s attention.”
The dedication to detail extends beyond zoning ordinances and environmental safety measures, according to Konyves: “We’re proactive in taking the whole project into account, even if they can’t afford it right now.”
For example, KS Greenday Inc. can renovate in phases, giving clients the chance to use the same trustworthy, skilled labor whenever they decide to resume. And regardless of the phase, artistry is the company’s calling card. “We’re heavily into the design aspect of the job,” says Konyves, who describes KS Greenday Inc.’s work as upscale. “When you’re going with us, you’re not looking for a cookie-cutter project.”
One of KS Greenday Inc.’s services is the construction of cabanas, which have gained popularity in recent years. These additions not only feature such perks as granite-topped bars, accommodations for entertainment systems and outdoor kitchens, but also blend into the surroundings. And a cabana holds a distinct advantage over moving the party inside, where wet bathing suits, dirty feet and spilled beverages can wreak havoc on furniture and floors, not to mention tarnish a home’s resale value.
It’s never too early or too late to get a yard in shape for the summer. (Both Schreiber and Konyves suggest scheduling construction as soon as possible to ensure that permit issues are handled in a timely fashion.) KS Greenday Inc. is available year-round for counsel and inspiration, enabling homeowners to visualize and get excited about the prospect of outdoor entertaining.
After the initial consultation, homeowners might find themselves reciting new lines, such as, “I can’t wait to host Labor Day weekend this year,” “My friends will be amazed when they see my new pool and patio,” and, finally, “What would have I done without KS Greenday Inc.?”