With spring in the air, some of us look in the mirror and wonder why all the dieting and exercising and other activities failed to slim down our body’s bulges. The belly, love handles, muffin top, lower back, upper arm, inner and outer thighs, to name a few. These problematic pockets of fat seemed to occur overnight and now clothes don’t seem to fit properly, making us feel less attractive.
At The Institute for Laser and Aesthetic Medicine, there’s a solution. Smartlipo MPX is a much-improved version of the traditional form of laser lipolysis—the popular laser body sculpting, fat-removal technique.
“Smartlipo MPX is a more advanced laser lipolysis available for the office setting in which we melt the fat while tightening the skin in the targeted problem areas,” says Dr. Glenn DeBias, medical director and founder of The Institute.
This minimally invasive procedure uses a laser fiber to heat up the fat, which minimizes bleeding and swelling, resulting in a faster recovery time.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Smartlipo in 2006. Since then, there have been multiple generational upgrades with the Smartlipo MPX in 2008. Dr. DeBias was the first to have this technology in the Delaware Valley, offering his patients better safety, results and comfort.
Dr. DeBias heads up an experienced team at The Institute, with offices in Doylestown and King of Prussia. Dr. DeBias is a Circle of Excellence physician with Cynosure, the distributor of Smartlipo MPX.
“Smartlipo MPX is a sculpting procedure used to shape and contour certain areas to give a better body look, so you’ll lose inches and clothing will fit better,” Dr. DeBias says.
The most common treatment areas for Smartlipo MPX are the lower abdominal pouch, the upper abdominal region, the flank and the lower back. Other areas include the inner and outer thighs, inner knees, upper arms, bra fat area and neck.
Dr. DeBias can treat all of these problem areas with Smartlipo MPX, but not everyone is a good candidate for this procedure.
“Some simply have sagging skin, which they need to have tightened utilizing other technologies,” Dr. DeBias explains.
Traditional and Vaser liposuction uses ultrasonic rods inserted beneath the skin to blast apart fat cells into pieces which may leave a lumpy appearance. Smartlipo MPX melts the fat into a liquid consistency as well as heats the back of the skin to better tighten and sculpt the area. Dr. DeBias performs the procedure in the comfort of his office while the patient is awake, using a tumescent anesthesia.
Smartlipo MPX uses a dual wavelength, generating higher energy to heat more quickly. A skin-temperature sensor protects from overheating.
“Ideally, you’re trying to get the back of the skin to a certain temperature to maximize fat melting and tissue tightening,” says Dr. DeBias. Blood vessels coagulate during the procedure from the heat of the laser fiber, while treated fat cells are permanently destroyed.
An added benefit is the production and stimulation of new collagen in the skin over the next four to six months, further tightening the skin in the treatment area.
In addition to Smartlipo MPX, The Institute’s services include laser tissue tightening, cosmetic injectables, laser hair removal, treatment of pigmented lesions, spider veins and vascular lesions, microdermabrasion, acne treatments, treatment of rosacea and photo facial rejuvenation, laser tattoo removal, permanent make-up procedures and laser treatment of psoriasis. The Institute owns more than 50 lasers and light sources to accommodate all patient needs.
The Institute for Laser and Aesthetic Medicine is located at 110 Hyde Park in Doylestown, 18902 and 1030 Continental Drive in King of Prussia, 19406. For office hours, to schedule an appointment or for more information, visit ilamed.com or call 866-48LASER or 215-230-1804.