Sloane Six and Scott Clemens purchased 100-acre Quarry Hill Farm in Harleysville in 2007. Since then they have converted it from a traditional farm to a sustainable one, specializing in locally raised grass-fed protein and homegrown organic produce.
“I have a strong interest in eating nutritionally and getting away from any use of chemicals anywhere,” says Six, a breast-cancer survivor who changed her approach to food in the wake of her illness. “The more I started going down the route of grass-fed protein and organic produce, the better I felt. You can tell the difference in the taste and the nutritional value.”
Quarry Hill Farm raises sheep, lambs, rabbits, chickens and guinea hens, among other pasture-raised animals, and also has organic fruits and vegetables, cage-free eggs and other edibles designed to help locals enjoy a healthier, more natural lifestyle. Customers can call in orders or purchase items from the on-site market, which is open Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Wednesday evenings from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
“The people who come here are passionate about food and passionate about eating, and we’re offering customers a higher quality of meat and produce,” she says. “We’re looking to create a balance in the way we treat our animals and the way we cook and prepare the food that we raise on our property.
“You have some people who took eggs out of their diet because of the cholesterol and the risk of salmonella,” she continues. “If you raise them the way that we do, you don’t have to worry about either of those things; the eggs have more omegas and more vitamins, and that’s fully documented.”
Quarry Hill Farm looks forward to hosting several upcoming educational/entertainment events. On June 21, the stunning property will host a Summer Solstice dinner party featuring produce and proteins prepared by the executive chef from the Freight House in Doylestown, with live local music. In early July, a Fourth of July Cookout will feature pastured proteins grilled by another prominent chef. Visitors should call in advance to register for either event.
“What we’re doing here is educational to a degree because it’s a lifestyle change,” Six says. “Organic food has definitely gone mainstream, but I still think there are some people who might look at it as being more expensive. I would argue that it’s less expensive to eat this way because the body is more satisfied and you’re going to feel better.”
Quarry Hill Farm
620 Quarry Road, Harleysville
215-513-1514 | QuarryHillFarm.net