There are those law firms that will go the extra mile to get their clients justice. But the skilled attorneys at The Law Office of Gregory P. LaMonaca P.C. will literally go to the ends of the Earth.
The search for justice at the Media-based firm isn’t restricted by mountainous borders or expansive oceans. If a client’s rights are being violated, its experienced team of attorneys, paralegals and legal assistants will work tirelessly to assist a client with their case and will not rest until justice is served, either at home or abroad. They strategically put together a team of individuals to match the individual client’s needs.
“We’re working on a very sad international child-custody case in which a mother agreed to jurisdiction and participated in a two-day custody trial in Montgomery County, was displeased with the outcome, appealed the court’s decision to the Superior Court of Pennsylvania, took their three young children back to her native country in Europe,” LaMonaca says. “The judge here ordered that it was in the best interests of the children to remain in the United States. The judge awarded shared physical custody of the children to the mother if she came back to the United States or primary physical custody to the father if she remained in Europe.
“The mother initially indicated she’d comply,” he continues. “However, the day before she was scheduled to return, she refused to bring the children back to their father, who had already prepared a welcome home for the children. He was devastated. Now he wants his children back. That’s what we intend to do for him—get him justice by way of reuniting him with his children. And we won’t rest until we do.”
The man in question, who commented directly for this article, longs to be reunited with his children. He has unshakable faith that team at The Law Office of Gregory P. LaMonaca will deliver him justice.
“I know Greg and his team will get my children back to me,” he says. “I had a lawyer working on this prior to coming to Greg’s firm. That was a mistake. Had I gone to Greg first, I probably wouldn’t be in this mess and I’d have my kids.
“Greg put himself in my shoes from the first meeting,” he continues. “His team prepared me from the get-go. I’m not surprised just how far he and team have gone to find me justice. They are exceptional.”
While LaMonaca’s primary focus is in handling all aspects of family law throughout the state of Pennsylvania and beyond, the firm’s other associates and staff are also well equipped to handle a variety of law cases, including but not limited to personal injury, estate planning, employment law, landlord/tenant, contracts, trusts, probate, wills, criminal defense, debt collections, workers’ compensation and medical malpractice.
“I’ve always been one to want to fight for the underdog and to step in if a bully is affecting the rights of others,” says LaMonaca, a married family-oriented father of two and former martial arts instructor. “My duty as an attorney is to fight for anything that affects someone’s rights and to give the victim a voice. Many don’t have anyone else to speak on their behalf, and they’re scared about what the future may hold. My job is to empower them.”
Among the ways LaMonaca achieves that goal is through an ideology he refers to as “Brutally Honest,” a three-phase process designed to assess the client’s past, determine current objectives and develop a proactive plan to guide a client onto the right path for the future. Step 1 is called the “Breakdown Phase,” in which clients undergo intense self-examination designed to get a true picture of what they hope to achieve. Step 2 is a goal-setting phase which incorporates all areas of a client’s life. Step 3 teaches clients how to self-evaluate and re-evaluate their goals as they travel down life’s path.
The steps are detailed in a book—“Brutally Honest Life Management Journal”—he co-authored in 2010 with friend and former custody client James H. Grim Jr. The book details the steps required to help achieve self-empowerment while struggling through life-altering change, such as divorce or child-custody battles. “It’s a system I created to address situations in which clients find themselves,” says LaMonaca. “It’s a way to help people get from Point A to Point B. I want clients to think outside the box while they’re going through a personal dilemma. I want them to think how to get over the high wall or through the closed door. I want them to think outside the box.”
LaMonaca is currently working on his next book entitled the “Brutally Honest Guide To Sur‘thriving’ Generation Now.” This book contains many practical examples from his countless cases and beyond to not only survive but to “sur‘thrive’” these tumultuous times we currently find ourselves in.
LaMonaca brings nearly 18 years’ experience to his clients within the firm he founded in 1995. A native of Delaware County, he graduated cum laude with a bachelor’s of science degree from West Chester University, and received his Juris Doctorate from the Widener University School of Law. Following graduation from law school, he gained litigation experience in the Office of the Public Defender of Delaware County before founding his own firm.
LaMonaca has been named multiple times in Philadelphia magazine’s “Super Lawyer” issue, appeared in the 2002, 2004, 2009, 2010 and 2011 “Top Lawyer” issue of Main Line Today magazine, and was featured in the 2010 and 2011 “Awesome Attorney” issues of Suburban Life magazine.He currently holds memberships with the American Bar Association, American Trial L
awyers Association, Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association, Delaware County Bar Association and Lions Club International.
“I work tirelessly for my clients, around the clock,” LaMonaca says. “I’m awake at 4 a.m. and by 4:05 am typically e-mailing clients or speaking to them by 4:30 if they need me. Clients worry about their cases. It’s my job to make them feel more at ease. Problems left to fester are no good. If they have access to me, they can sleep better or get on with their day.”
On LaMonaca’s office bookshelf appearing directly in front of him rests a picture his daughter created on her iPad. On the picture is just a simple one-word question: Why? “It’s the single-most important word in the world,” he says. “If you can get to the why of something, there’s a certain magic you feel when you do. I will do whatever I can to get to the why of something for my clients.”
And he will do so, whether at home or abroad.
The Law Office of Gregory P. LaMonaca P.C.
755 N. Monroe Street
Media, PA 19063
Phone: 610-892-3877
Fax: 610-892-5078
Website: www.lamonacalaw.com
E-mail: glamonaca@aol.com
Phil Gianficaro is an award-winning writer from Doylestown.
Rob Hall is a photographer from Plumsteadville.