How many times have you heard someone say, “No matter what I do I can’t get rid of the bulge in this part of my body?” Well, now there is an answer, and it doesn’t involve months of dieting or workouts or even involved surgery. Instead it involves a simple office procedure utilizing high-density ultrasound to melt away an inch of fat from the body.
The new procedure termed “BodyShrink,” designed by plastic surgeon Robert Skalicky, D.O., utilizes the Solta Medical Liposonix ultrasound technology to melt away an inch of fat in specific areas of the body to create more pleasing body contours. Love handles, thighs, abdominal “belly fat,” and bra-strap fullness are all areas that can be easily treated with the new procedure.
“The beauty of this procedure,” Dr. Skalicky says, “is that it finally offers a simple solution to eliminate small areas of fatty tissue excess in the body without an involved surgical procedure.” Patients drive themselves to the office, undergo the BodyShrink treatment and an hour or so later drive home and resume their normal lifestyle. The advantages of procedure are remarkable. It is noninvasive. It requires no incisions. It has no recovery or downtime. The procedure takes approximately one hour to perform and requires little or no medication. An entire waistline can be treated in 45 to 60 minutes. Shrinkage of the area occurs over the next several weeks with final improvement seen by eight to 12 weeks.
While the ultrasound technology offers a breakthrough in noninvasive fat removal, it is how the technology is applied that matters. According to Dr. Skalicky, “Anyone can buy a paint brush, but not everyone can paint.” Dr. Skalicky’s BodyShrink procedure takes the technology to a new level by creating individualized treatment plans for each patient based on their anatomy and removing the fat from the areas that will sculpt their body for maximal improvement. It is the artistic application of the technology that results in body-contour improvement. And it is the contouring ability of BodyShrink that separates this procedure from other fat removal methods that do not have the ability to sculpt and contour.
“The best candidate,” Dr. Skalicky says, “is someone that can pinch at least an inch or more of fullness on their body that just won’t go away with attempts at diet or exercise. BodyShrink offers an easy, noninvasive answer to this problem. Patients love the fact that they do not have to take time off from work or interrupt their normal routines. The fat just disappears over weeks as the body removes the treated cells.”
Pricing for the procedure is less than half of what traditional liposuction costs, and areas can be retreated several months down the line if a patient chooses to do so. As long as the patient doesn’t gain weight, the fat removal will be permanent.
While the battle of the bulge will always continue to be fought, BodyShrink just may be the weapon needed to win the war.
Dr. Skalicky offers complimentary consultations for BodyShrink at his Bucks County Plastic Surgery office at 104 Pheasant Run, Building A, Suite 123, in Newtown. His office phone number is 215-702-8600. For more information, visit www.buckscountyplasticsurgery.com.