Looking out the window now, with winter in full swing, it’s tough to think about the bright and sunny months head. That’s right: summer. But June is just around the corner, meaning right now—as in this very moment—is the time to plan ahead and ensure that your family has the best June, July and August ever.
On the following pages are dozens of summer programs to enrich one’s mind, body and soul—from lacrosse to language arts, from rock ‘n’ roll to jazz—offered by suburban schools, museums and organizations. The options for making this a summer to remember are near endless.
Dates and details may be subject to change, so be sure to call ahead and/or check the websites provided to keep abreast of any changes or updates to these organizations’ summer lineups. More importantly, make contact soon, because space tends to fill up quickly, and you don’t want to be left on the outside looking in when the weather has turned its cheek.
Suburban Life has made its best efforts to compile the most accurate list possible but cannot guarantee that the list is complete or accurate.
Ithan Avenue and Conestoga Road, Rosemont
610-525-8400 | www.agnesirwin.org/summersession
Summer Session: June 10 to July 26
AIM~Academy In Manayunk
1200 River Road, Conshohocken
215-483-2461 | www.aimpa.org
Summer Enrichment Program: July 1 to July 26
The Benchmark School
2107 North Providence Road, Media
610-565-3741 | www.benchmarkschool.org
Language Arts and Recreation Summer Camps: July 1 to August 2
Devon Preparatory School
363 North Valley Forge Road | Devon
610-688-7337 | www.devonprep.com
Summer Enrichment Program: June 17 to June 28; July 8 to July 19
French International School of Philadelphia
150 N. Highland Avenue, Bala Cynwyd
610-667-1284 | www.efiponline.com
Summer Camp: July 8 to July 26
Friends’ Central School
Middle/Upper School: 1101 City Ave., Wynnewood
610-649-7440 | www.friendscentral.org
Lower School: 228 Old Gulph Road, Wynnewood
610-642-7575 | www.friendscentral.org
Sports Academy: June 17 to June 21
Early Start Program: June 17 to June 21
Tenderfoot, Trailblazer and Trailblazer Enrichment Camps: June 24 to August 9
Basketball, Reading and Math Clinic: July 1 to August 2
George School
1690 Newtown-Langhorne Road, Newtown
215-579-6500 | www.georgeschool.org
Day Camp: June 24 to August 9
The Haverford School
450 Lancaster Ave., Haverford
610-642-3020 | www.haverford.org
Visit www.efscamps.com for details on summer camps at Haverford.
Holy Ghost Preparatory School
2429 Bristol Pike, Bensalem
215-639-0811 | www.holyghostprep.org
Ultimate Frisbee: June 17 to June 21
Summer Enrichment Camp: June 24 to July 26
Rock Band Camp: June 24 to June 28
Summer Theater Camp: July 8 to July 12; July 29 to August 2
Traditional Band and Jazz Improvisational Camp: July 9 to July 13
Track and Field: July 9 to July 13
Basketball Camp: July 15 to July 19
Baseball Camp: June 24 to June 28
Lacrosse Camp: July 22 to July 26
Soccer: July 29 to August 2
Ice Hockey Camp: August 5 to August 9
Forensics Camp: August 5 to August 9
The Lewis School of Princeton
53 Bayard Lane, Princeton, N.J.
609-924-8120 | www.lewisschool.org
Pre-K to Post-Graduate Summer Study: June 24 to July 19
The Malvern School/Malvern Day Camp
20 Creek Road, Glen Mills
610-558-3200 | www.malvernschool.com | www.malverndaycamp.com
Call or check the website for updated details on summer programs.
Notre Dame High School
601 Lawrence Road, Lawrenceville, N.J.
609-882-7900 | www.ndnj.org
Call or check the website for updated details on summer programs.
Princeton Day School
650 Great Road, Princeton, N.J.
609-279-2700 | www.pds.org/summerprograms
76ers Basketball Camp: June 24 to June 28
Nike Basketball Camp: July 15 to July 19; August 5 to August 9
New York Yankees Baseball Camp: August 5 to August 9
Cupcake Boss Camp: July 5 and July 8 to July 19
Vermont Adventure Camp: July 28 to August 3
Valley Forge Military Academy and College
1001 Eagle Road, Wayne
610-989-1262 | camp.vfmac.edu
Summer Day Camp: June 17 to August 2
The Wyndcroft School
1395 Wilson Street, Pottstown
610-326-0544 | www.wyndcroft.org
Call or check the website for updated details on summer programs.
Big Leagues Academy
207 Penns Trail, Newtown
215-968-3089 | www.bigleaguesacademy.com
Pitcher/Catcher Camp (baseball): July 1 to July 3
Pitcher/Catcher Camp (softball): July 1 to July 3
Big Leagues Academy (baseball): July 22 to 26; July 29 top August 2; August 5 to August 9; August 12 to August 16
Big Leagues Academy (softball): June 24 to 28
Briarwood Day Camp
1380 Creek Road, Furlong
215-598-7143 | www.briarwood-camp.com
Call or check the website for updated details on summer programs.
Buckingham Valley Farm
2394 Holicong Road, Buckingham
215-794-5103 | www.buckinghamvalleyfarm.com
Summer Riding Camp: July 24 to July 5; July 8 to July 19; July 22 to August 2; August 5 to August 16
The Center on Central
24 W. Central Avenue, Paoli
610-710-1487 | www.thecenteroncentral.com
Creative Arts Summer Day Camp: June 10 to August 30
Dom DiJulia School of Golf
250 Brownsburg Road, New Hope
215-862-9045 | www.dijuliagolf.com
Call or check the website for updated details on summer junior camps.
Doylestown School of Rock
135 South Main Street, Doylestown
215-230-3406 | www.doylestown.schoolofrock.com
Music of Grohl Camp: June 24
Black Sabbath Camp: July 8
Led Zeppelin Camp: July 29
The Beatles Camp: August 19
Rolling Stones vs. The Who Camp: August 26
Great Valley Nature Center
4251 State Road, Devault
610-935-9777 | www.gvnc.org
Call or check the website for updated details on Great Valley’s summer camps.
Habonim Dror Camp Galil
146 Red Hill Road, Ottsville
215-968-2013 | www.campgalil.org
Full Summer Camp: June 23 to August 11
July Session: June 23 to July 21
August Session: July 23 to August 11
James A. Michener Museum
138 S. Pine Street, Doylestown
215-340-9800 | www.michenerartmuseum.org
Call or check the website for updated details on the summer camps at the Michener.
The Pennsylvania School of the Performing Arts
2324 Second Street Pike, Newtown
215-598-8513 | www.pspadancer.com
Musical Theater Day Camp: July 8 to July 12; July 15 to July 19
Musical Theater Sing, Dance and Act: July 8 to July 19
Philadelphia Union Soccer Camps
750 E. Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr
610-581-7600 | www.unionsoccerschools.com
The Shipley School, Bryn Mawr: June 17 to June 21; June 24 to June 28
Upper Dublin High School, Fort Washington: July 1 to July 5
Abington Friends School, Jenkintown: July 8 to July 12; July 29 to August 2
Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School, Plymouth Meeting: July 15 to July 19
Great Valley High School, Malvern: July 22 to July 26
Episcopal Academy, Newtown Square: August 5 to August 9; August 12 to August 16
St. Aloysius Academy, Radnor: August 19 to August 23
Phillies Baseball Academy
750 E. Haverford Road, Bryn Mawr
610-520-3400 | www.philliescamps.com
Episcopal Academy, Newtown Square: June 10 to June 14; June 17 to June 21; July 22 to July 26
George Heuser Park, Upper Merion/King of Prussia: June 24 to June 28
Cardinal O’Hara High School, Springfield: July 1 to July 5
Abington Junior High School, Abington: July 1 to July 5; July 8 to July 12
Plymouth-Whitemarsh High School, Plymouth Meeting: July 8 to July 12
Upper Dublin High School, Fort Washington: July 15 to July 19
Great Valley High School, Great Valley: July 29 to August 2
Archbishop John Carroll High School, Radnor: August 5 to August 9
West Chester University, West Chester: August 12 to August 16
George School, Newtown: August 12 to August 16
Riverbend Environmental Education Center
1950 Spring Mill Road, Gladwyne
610-527-5234 | www.riverbendeec.org
Summer Exploration Camps: June 11 to August 31
Adventure Camp (adventure excursions): June 24 to June 28; July 8 to July 12
Advanced Wilderness Survival: July 22 to July 26
Adventure Camp (ocean and beach exploration): August 5 to August 9
Summer Matters
1777 North Valley Road, Paoli
610-296-6725 | www.summermatters.org
Check website for Summer Voyagers and Summer L.I.F.E. programs for children who learn differently.
Whispering Pines Family Farm
2427 Bedminster Road, Perkasie
215-350-1223 | www.whisperingpinesfamilyfarm.com
Summer Camp: July 15 to July 19; July 22 to July 26; August 5 to August 9