Stryker, Samms, Ladov and Nasatir—sounds like a team’s starting lineup and, in a matter of speaking, it is. Much like an all-star team, each player is a success in his or her own right; however, together they are a force to be reckoned with. This team doesn’t compete for individual glory; rather, they fight for the best interests of their clients at law firm Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP.
Nina Stryker is an intelligent, quiet and reserved person. At first glance, you probably would not realize that this diminutive woman is really a formidable force in the courtroom, where she has fought on her client’s behalf for more than 25 years.
“Nina has always excelled at whatever she did. In college, she was an outstanding gymnast and scholar. She put 100 percent into every task, was always prepared and went the extra mile to help her teammates,” states Jill Marsteller, senior vice president of Ursinus College and Stryker’s former college sorority sister. “Today, as my outside legal counsel, she still operates the same way, always prepared, helpful and balanced.”
Whether she is in a courtroom or meeting with her client, Stryker is calm, cool and prepared. Her knack for anticipating problems before they occur and diffusing them combined with her ability to make even the most complex issues understandable have been the keys to her success.
For nearly 20 years, Stryker has been practicing trusts and estates at Obermayer where she also chairs the firm’s Trusts and Estates Department. While an unflappable opponent in Orphans' Court, she enjoys collegial relationships with her opponents and has earned their respect. Case in point, consecutively for the past decade she has been elected by her peers to several of the legal profession’s "best of" lists.
Stryker has accomplished so much in her career; however, she has done so without sacrificing her family life. She believes if you are passionate about something you find the time whether it is family or work. As a result, unlike other professionals, she has enjoyed a successful and well-balanced personal life and career.
Gary Samms is one of the most sought-after professional liability defense attorneys in the country. He has tried far more than 150 cases, winning 95 percent of his trials, including 32 consecutive defense verdicts. Over the years, he has represented local and national celebrities and distinguished professionals.
Samms’ adept legal acumen and masterful abilities in the courtroom have contributed greatly to his success. His ability to cross examine expert witnesses often has determined the outcomes of cases. In a recent decision the jury remarked, “The cross examination of the experts by Mr. Samms is what won the case for the defense.” Furthermore, Samms believes that everyone, even those who were involved in terrible and unfortunate circumstances, has the right to an ardent defense.
For Samms, it isn’t just about winning cases. He works with his clients to strategically determine the best approach to resolve cases; often times that means working toward settlements and other times it means fighting it out in court. Samms’ longtime client Robert (Barry) Mulhern, Jr., general counsel for Devon International Group, affirms Samms’ effective methodology, by saying, “We use Gary on all high-exposure cases. He’s an excellent lawyer and, frankly, he always gets the best results possible.”
Montgomery County native David L. Ladov’s steady, pragmatic and realistic approach has made him a leading divorce lawyer in the state. On any given day in Ladov’s West Conshohocken office you could see a celebrity, a CEO or stay-at-home mom there to meet with him. “Regardless of the person’s stature or professional accomplishment, they are going through a very difficult emotional time,” he says. “Everyone deserves to be represented with compassion and care. After doing this for 35 years, I have handled practically every issue and represented practically everyone.”
“His word is his bond,” explains longtime friend and colleague Robert Whitelaw, managing partner at Obermayer in describing Ladov. “He is a direct and no-nonsense lawyer. It is easy to see why his clients and other lawyers are drawn to him and, more importantly, respect him. I am glad he is now a part of Obermayer so I no longer have to oppose him.”
Ladov’s career accomplishments are rivaled only by his work to advance the legal profession. He is a leader both at his firm and in the legal community. He serves as co-chair of Obermayer’s Family Law Practice Group and he has held a number of leadership positions for the Montgomery County and Pennsylvania Bar Associations. Notably, he is one of six attorneys in the state to serve on the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, Domestic Relations Rules Committee. This gives him a distinct advantage as he is developing the rules and guidelines that other attorneys have to follow.
“Hi, this is Dave Nasatir.” During a typical day in this dynamic business lawyer’s life, David Nasatir could easily say this two dozen times. Each time, his voice conveys his cheerful and sincere disposition which he somehow maintains throughout his very busy and long workday.
“Hey, I love what I do,” he explains “I became a lawyer because I loved politics and government. Along the way, I discovered I also loved putting together deals.” In addition to his legal practice, Nasatir is also very active in Montgomery County politics.
Nasatir’s clients are as diverse and varied as the matters on which he works. On a typical day, he could be working out the details of a loan, assisting a CEO in negotiating a business transaction, meeting with a local political candidate trying to get his support or appearing before a zoning board to advance a large real estate development project.
When Shawn Gee, CEO of the Sports and Entertainment Financial Group, was looking for a real estate attorney, his entertainment lawyer referred him to Nasatir. “He told me I was just negotiating against this guy and he was great,” Gee recalls with a laugh. “That says a lot. I thought if the guy who opposed him is recommending him, he must be good.” Gee called Nasatir and eight years later he is still Gee’s lawyer.
Nasatir attributes his success to his ability to anticipate problems and get around them to reach solutions. To his clients, he has proven to be a trusted advisor and valuable resource that is reliable and accessible 24/7.
These four attorneys with four distinct personalities, styles and practices helped to make it one awesome year at Obermayer.
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel LLP
Visit www.obermayer.com for more information.
Photograph by Jeff Anderson