Interior designer and decorator Susan Taylor has been operating her local studio, Black-eyed Susan, out of Bucks County for many years. Recently, though, Taylor has responded to the need for a service somewhere between full-service design and piecemeal home purchases. As she explains in an exclusive interview, her new service—StyleBox—allows Taylor and her staff to offer individualized professional advice to clients who enjoy doing decorating their homes themselves, wherever they may live.
Question: How does the StyleBox Design process work?
Answer: StyleBox Design is a great collaboration between the professional designer and the do-it-yourself designer. The client selects from our list of rooms which room or rooms they want a design for. With information we receive from an online questionnaire regarding the client’s likes and dislikes, color preferences and style direction (modern, French Country, transitional, traditional, etc.), along with measurements for each room and photos, either myself of one of my design staff begins the process. With this information, we put together the client’s custom StyleBox. A professional room design with all the details arrives in the mail to you to ensure success and style perfection.
Q: Who is a good candidate for your StyleBox Design services?
A: Stimulation for home design is everywhere. Loyal fans and followers of Pinterest, Olioboard and Houzz just to name a few, find ideas galore to design their homes. The abundance of ideas available has its drawbacks as well. While there are fabulously stylish and clever ideas, there is also an equal abundance of ideas that just don’t work, aren’t practical or could mislead your finished project. Still, this is, perhaps, the most impressive generation of DIY designers ever. Ask yourself these questions: Do you have time to manage your own project? Do you enjoy being inspired by design professionals in order to be creative in your own home? Do you live in an area with limited resources for great interior style? Love the look of Black-eyed Susan, but don’t need our full-service interior design? Do you love to shop online? Are you an empty nester? Are you newly single bachelor, or bachelorette? If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, then our StyleBox Design could be the perfect fit for your design needs.
Q: What are the advantages of this service vs. your in-home service?
A: I would say instant gratification would be one advantage. Your box comes in the mail with all the resources you need to create the room of your dreams. Budget is another advantage of StyleBox Design. Our in-home design service is a luxury service supported by a healthy budget and time for custom ordering, delivery and placement. This process is much more drawn out. Your StyleBox arrives with multiple suggestions and a complete plan ready for you to execute.
Q: What skills/tools are needed to utilize StyleBox Design services?
A: Basic computer skills are needed to fill out the questionnaire that enables us to design your room. Measurements are also needed of the room and email access is a must for communication back and forth. Email questions are encouraged. That’s about it.
Q: What is included in the service?
A: StyleBox Design is the solution for every do-it-yourselfer’s option for perfect interior design. We will give you all that you need to create a personal result, including a furniture plan, furniture sizes, paint and fabric suggestions with samples, shopping list and complete instructions with our suggestions for success. A 10-page bound booklet will arrive with your StyleBox to keep as your plan for pure style.
Q: How long does the application and design process take?
A: Depending on our workload, you can expect to have your StyleBox Design in your hands in about three to four weeks. Getting information back promptly helps move the project, and naturally receiving your payment is necessary to begin the process.
Q: Please describe the client/designer relationship of this service?
A: The client/designer relationship of this service is primarily through email, Dropbox or Google applications. Emails are encouraged when questions arise. There are no scheduled times that emails may be submitted. We may have questions for you that need clarification as well. We would love to have completed room shots, and you might find them posted on my blog with permission. For our local StyleBox clients, we are happy to give contractor referrals.
Q: Can this service be used to integrate existing items of furniture or décor as well?
A: Yes. When photos, measurements and instructions are given on specific pieces owned and loved are given, we will gladly work them into your plan or advise alternative uses for your cherished collectibles. I would say that an existing wall color might be a challenge unless it has been very recently completed and is in vogue. We also find that existing draperies are sometimes an area that needs revamping. That being said, if these things are imperative to use and stated as such, we will use them in your custom design. These items however, may drive the direction of your project.
Q: Are all suggested items available at your store? Can they be found or purchased elsewhere?
A: StyleBox Design is still a custom design just for you. Many of the items may be in my store, but we will be suggesting an entire room of our finest ideas and products. Everything that we suggest will be available for special order through my design studio, and a list of the vendors will be included for your shopping and DIY order/management.
Q: What is the cost structure for this approach to interior design?
A: You may choose to start with one room or several. Years of experience helps us to determine the cost of room designs based on the level of design time. StyleBox Design can begin per room for as little as $400 and go up to $1,200 to 1,500 for larger, more detailed rooms.
Black-eyed Susan
5222 York Road
Holicong/Buckingham, PA 18928
215-794-1800 | www.besusan.com